The weather autumnal of the worst weather on the skin, where abound where wind-laden dust, and this causes a severe drought for the skin, and the most serious is the effect of dust on the skin in terms of closing the pores, resulting in the inability of the skin on the waste disposal of the fat and excess salts through race, and this is a major reason for the emergence of grain sick.
This shows advisory therapeutic feeding, saying skin is exposed to the air and dust epithelial cells or the surface of the skin and less fat, and in some cases, affect the activity of the sebaceous glands, and in this case preferably moisturize the skin with water only more than once a day, and in the case of work in bad weather must use moisturizing creams after washing with water, and there is a reason is one of the most serious causes of dry skin autumn, a make-up, as it fills the pores of the skin and cause dry, and here are advised to avoid make-up layers many or for long periods,Skin Care and must be removed before sleeping make-up.
Then lukewarm water, and can moisturize the skin before going to sleep swab light of Vaseline Medical keeping moisture skin, while the masks appropriate for the skin during the fall they are in the case of very dry skin and peeled use mask avocado, a fruit fatty contain vitamin "e" and "a" and " c "and oil, which helps the skin retain its moisture and speed the renewal of surface cells, and making catcher peel ripe fruit and remove the seed and then fruit well and uniqueness of the skin and neck for 20 minutes and still lukewarm water, three times a week.
The oily skin catcher consisted of a tablespoon of milled rice with a teaspoon of ground flaxseed and a quarter cup of boiling water, mix well and placed on the skin and a warm neck and leave for 30 minutes and still with cold water twice a week
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