Monday, 24 February 2014

Different methods of skin peeling

Talk a beautician beautiful ways peeling different skin carried out by the girls, which begins peeling surface, which works on the outer layer of the skin elegance and freshness are done every two or three weeks, and until that happens as a result of preferred replicated from six to seven times to get the desired result.
 The second type is peeling smaller anti-commissioned: It is a mask yellow is placed in a doctor's office and left on the face for about eight hours on her face. On the second day become her skin red and then continue peeling the skin for a week to regain after the color, light and not be afraid of patches costs about, the components this mask fruit and acid. Indicate third type of peel is a medium: It uses its materials composed of acid to treat surface wrinkles. Combination skin tips Tend skin after application to brown for a week, and be on refrain from going out of the house during this period; gaining then her skin color, opening in addition to the freshness and radiance is also working to reduce the size of wrinkles. As well as phenol peel or deep peel: is performed in the operating room and the subject in which the patient's cardiac monitor, which is applied only in rare cases because of the seriousness and fit to remove deep wrinkles.

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