Tuesday, 25 February 2014

What the impact of the fall on the skin

The weather autumnal of the worst weather on the skin, where abound where wind-laden dust, and this causes a severe drought for the skin, and the most serious is the effect of dust on the skin in terms of closing the pores, resulting in the inability of the skin on the waste disposal of the fat and excess salts through race, and this is a major reason for the emergence of grain sick.http://www.skincaremoz.com/
 This shows advisory therapeutic feeding, saying skin is exposed to the air and dust epithelial cells or the surface of the skin and less fat, and in some cases, affect the activity of the sebaceous glands, and in this case preferably moisturize the skin with water only more than once a day, and in the case of work in bad weather must use moisturizing creams after washing with water, and there is a reason is one of the most serious causes of dry skin autumn, a make-up, as it fills the pores of the skin and cause dry, and here are advised to avoid make-up layers many or for long periods,Skin Care and must be removed before sleeping make-up. Then lukewarm water, and can moisturize the skin before going to sleep swab light of Vaseline Medical keeping moisture skin, while the masks appropriate for the skin during the fall they are in the case of very dry skin and peeled use mask avocado, a fruit fatty contain vitamin "e" and "a" and " c "and oil, which helps the skin retain its moisture and speed the renewal of surface cells, and making catcher peel ripe fruit and remove the seed and then fruit well and uniqueness of the skin and neck for 20 minutes and still lukewarm water, three times a week. The oily skin catcher consisted of a tablespoon of milled rice with a teaspoon of ground flaxseed and a quarter cup of boiling water, mix well and placed on the skin and a warm neck and leave for 30 minutes and still with cold water twice a week

Monday, 24 February 2014

Sweet almond oil for the skin is teeming with shade

Pale and fading of things and annoying problems faced by the woman's skin, especially when exposed to many of the contaminants surrounding unforgiving, and every girl trying to make her skin vitality and freshness, and there are many cosmetics that perform this function,http://www.skincaremoz.com/
 but there is no case is nothing better than materials natural, so you need this recipe to increase the natural freshness of your skin. You need the following ingredients: a tablespoon of sweet almond oil, one teaspoon of lavender oil (lavender). The method of use: Massage your face and neck component mix of sweet almond oil and lavender oil with a move away from the area around the eyes,Dry Skin Care Use this mask 3 times a week before sleep and you will notice a gradual disappearance of the pale skin and the return of freshness and vitality easily. It is noteworthy that sweet almond oil, rich in protein, vitamin E and B, minerals and useful in overcoming the signs of age, and the effect of the sun on the skin, including changes pigment, and texture of the skin and also moisturize the skin, which is found in many medicinal preparations cosmetic special care of the skin.

Caviar injection for skin beauty Angelina Jolie

Caviar is not the intention here is that the food is expensive, but a cry for a new in the world of cosmetic surgery, which uses caviar, to give the skin more freshness and sparkle. Actress Angelina Jolie began months in the use of such new technology, has recently carried out some injection caviar to her face, it is also used cosmetics stomach of caviar every day.http://www.skincaremoz.com/
 The caviar of anti-aging treatments; prevents injury where the skin wrinkled, also gives absolute immunity cells, which helps in the fight against pimples Caviar is also used in the treatment of dry skin, which makes it appropriate for the Arab region, where the skin is exposed to drought as a result of thermal factors, and the use of air conditioners continuously. What distinguishes the caviar that remains in force for a longer period, unlike Botox, which disappears into effect after four months, as it is safe completely healthy, because it is a natural material, so that the beauty experts Skin Care point out that a pregnant woman can do the injection of caviar Caviar is not limited to the injection of proteins and vitamins, but renews the life of the skin from the root, and is currently being used in the preparation of formulations for the beauty of the hair and make-up tools and cosmetic creams.

Nut for skin peeling carrots to get rid of pimples

Confirms a beautician, and those girls suffer during the period of Messrs. Seasons change the appearance of pimples and black imbalance in their skin. http://www.skincaremoz.com/
In order to eliminate the problem of the imbalance and get the best skin we make a natural mask created two tablespoons of crushed hazelnut with two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of rosemary, and one teaspoon rose water, then placed on the skin and leave for half an hour and then cleans the water, This is used peeled twice a month so that we can eliminate the problem. Skin Care Program To indicate the presence of another mask can be used by girls with skinned women black pimples, and this mask consists of 2 tablets Islands herald a soft, egg and egg, and mix the ingredients in a blender until they become a paste, and then distributed on the face, especially the region with black pimples and leave it for half an hour and wash with water.

Different methods of skin peeling

Talk a beautician beautiful ways peeling different skin carried out by the girls, which begins peeling surface, which works on the outer layer of the skin elegance and freshness are done every two or three weeks, and until that happens as a result of preferred replicated from six to seven times to get the desired result.http://www.skincaremoz.com/
 The second type is peeling smaller anti-commissioned: It is a mask yellow is placed in a doctor's office and left on the face for about eight hours on her face. On the second day become her skin red and then continue peeling the skin for a week to regain after the color, light and not be afraid of patches costs about, the components this mask fruit and acid. Indicate third type of peel is a medium: It uses its materials composed of acid to treat surface wrinkles. Combination skin tips Tend skin after application to brown for a week, and be on refrain from going out of the house during this period; gaining then her skin color, opening in addition to the freshness and radiance is also working to reduce the size of wrinkles. As well as phenol peel or deep peel: is performed in the operating room and the subject in which the patient's cardiac monitor, which is applied only in rare cases because of the seriousness and fit to remove deep wrinkles.

How to get great skin

It is very easy and boils down to the skin and fed attention from home and abroad, by adjusting your diet and exercise, and careful use of natural cosmetics and skin care products suitable for away from harmful ingredients and chemicals that destroy skin.http://www.skincaremoz.com/beat-eczema-review/
 Make sure to eat a healthy diet, and lack of pursuit of thinness excess, high not seem more than a little hoarder, especially in the area of the cheeks. If the period of negligence for your skin in the past has resulted in the emergence of some wrinkles on your face, you can still get skin clear and shiny in a single step and a fairness one is or pen correct defects and it is not like concealer., And who prefers to use after make-up and not before This is in addition to touches to lighten some areas or hide some of the flaws that did not work in the cream base covered as follows.Dry Skin Care To raise the eyelids rather than form on my brow bone directly below any in the inner corners of the eye To determine my face blades on the cheeks To make certain areas of the face look fuller, put it in the middle of the area above the upper lip and the area under the broad lower lip. Remember that attracts light and draw attention to the region, which is placed in, so does the authors of Concealer instead of the traditional or conventional otherwise attention to this defect rather than coverage.

How to get great skin

There are some daily bad habits practiced by women without they harm the freshness and vitality of the skin to a great extent. These habits of serious skin exposure to the sun for long hours every day, smoking and excessive use of make-up permanently remove it before with no sleep, as well as not getting enough hours of sleep a day. All of this contributes significantly to the signs of premature aging on your face and your skin in general. http://www.skincaremoz.com/
Because your skin beauty and vitality code must immediately abandon your to do anything of the above, and you're so may put your hand on the first by getting great skin even as you grow older. Then comes the other steps are very important to ensure you maintain the youth and freshness of your skin. Experience will know what foods that cause inflammation or irritation of the skin, for addressed because they damage your skin directly, otherwise preferably all kinds of food to feed your skin. Eat eggs, fresh vegetables, walnuts, olives, fruits, fish, green tea and Yogurt. To ensure freshness and sparkle, and add more of your skin care, you can follow these simple steps, which keeps about going to beauty salons in charge: Start by first washing the face and neck skin well using a gentle cleanser on the skin. Second: Use peeled the skin to get rid of skin cells damaged or dry, and avoid the use of sharp that can cause inflammation of the skin and look for safe products moisturizing. Dry Skin Care Third, you can make a steam bath by boiling the amount of water with beneficial herbs, and then proved your face on an appropriate distance from the bowl and cover your head with a towel so as not to leak out of steam up. Leave your face imbued steam for 5 minutes. After that, you can perform nourishing masks for the skin. Choose masks rich if you are a sensitive skin, or masks for oily skin. If you are the owners of normal skin convinced him chamomile and rose water would be the most appropriate. Finally, for your face hydration and smoothness by using a moisturizing cream at the end of these steps, which make the facial skin in the development of more willing to absorb beneficial substances and take advantage of them.

The best masks the natural health and freshness of the skin

What is the best natural ways to preserve freshness and health of the skin? Question answered by, Specialist nutrition, obesity and thinness, a member of the American Society of obesity, saying, the beginning should know that the freshness of the face and skin in general depend primarily on the food we eat, so care must be taken to eat the rich the necessary vitamins and minerals,http://www.skincaremoz.com/
 which can be obtained from fruits and vegetables, as well as the need to drink at least two liters of water and a half a day, to prevent dry skin and increase freshness. It can also use some natural masks to increase the freshness of the skin, such as: Lemon Face Mask: It consists of a tablespoon of grated lemon peel yellow + a tablespoon of powdered milk + two tablespoons of almond flakes +1 / 2 cup of lemon juice and this recipe is recommended for women with oily skin. Mask strawberry milk for the face and neck: a cup of strawberries +1 tablespoon of liquid milk +1 spoon of rice flour or starch blends ingredients to become a soft dough, and placed on the face and neck for 20 minutes, Acne skin care then rinse with lukewarm water and use that mixture twice a week and recommended for those who suffering from lines and wrinkles and dark spots. Bath body of sugar, oil: 2 cups sugar Normal, cups of olive oil or almond oil, tablespoons zest, lemon, tablespoons zest, grapefruit, mix the ingredients well and placed on the body and then rinsed with warm water and work the sugar to clean the skin of dead cells. Bath body cream Avocado: 2 avocado, peeled and mashed +3 tbsp sea salt + 1/4 cup of honey + zest with juice + 1/4 cup organic coconut oil, and mix all the ingredients until they become soft and greasy, put on the body for 10-15 minutes and then rinsed thoroughly with warm, this mix of fresh and cleaner works to reduce wrinkles and aging effects in the body.

The negative effects of hair removal creams on the facial skin

Posted reader says, since about a month before you remove the hair from my face using hair removal cream, but as soon as the holy flame to remove.http://www.skincaremoz.com/
my face badly and spread by the red spots and then dried and structure spots began to appear. How can I get rid of these effects are caused by what? Answer this question, specialist dermatology and laser therapy, saying: The use of hair removal creams on the facial skin is one of the things that can negatively affect them due to the content of those creams from harmful chemicals too.Acne skin care  The facial skin is one of the areas potentially Sense is larger than the rest of the body so must be handled with extreme caution. As for the treatment of those effects shall be through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the event of continued inflammation of the skin that this inflammation disappears completely Then we start later in the treatment of brown spots brightening appropriate for facial skin.

Household masks to restore freshness of the skin burdensome

Before heading to the stores known formulations, which suffice in many cases, we recommend that this time the experience of some of the masks that can be made at home in quick time and using a natural ingredient hundred per cent, and is also available in the kitchen. Milk Milk food very useful for the skin, it enhances the natural freshness of the face and skin in general. http://www.skincaremoz.com/
And you can prepare a mask of milk powder as follows: Mix two tablespoons of milk powder with a little milk or water and the bulk of my heart until you have a creamy texture coherent. Spread the mask on your face and leave a few minutes to dry completely. Wipe with a damp towel dry powder heated even disappear completely. Sugar and oil Is considered one of the masks is excellent for easy to remove and smoothness, it has on the skin after washing. Mix equal two quantities of sugar, canola oil or olive oil. Put the mixture on the face and gently in circular motions for a few minutes. Rinse your face with warm water and dried with towel cotton. Oatmeal works to get rid of toxins skin, so try this mask by: Put a cup of oats in a blender and leave until it turns into a little coarse powder. Combination skin tips Add to it a little bit of honey and egg white egg and a spoonful of yogurt and gentlemen, my heart mix and then put it on your face and for a quarter of an hour and then rinse with water lukewarm. This mask is characterized by antioxidants of honey in addition to the sedative properties of the skin of oats. Mustard Bring equipped recovered from whole grains, and my amount on your face and massage well and leave on your face a few minutes before good warm water.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

What is the reason and treatment of red marks on the skin

Sent us a reader says: I'm 29 years old girl, and three years ago I noticed the appearance of red spots turn into blue and brown and show no apparent reason. After the stoppage of appearing returned in the previous period and more prevalent, previously they only appear in the leg, but now began to emerge in other places such as the hand and abdomen.http://www.skincaremoz.com/
 I went to the doctor and asked me comprehensive analyzes of blood and after the appearance of the result told me I do not I suffer from any problems in the blood, as I do not I suffer from anemia or anemia, as well as the number of platelets is very good, what is the reason for the appearance of these spots and how they can be treated? Answer this question, saying: What plagued him the girl is the kind of symptoms that are not associated with her appearance with a particular disease, and appear particularly in girls and women, and attributed the cause to the correlation of these symptoms are psychological state, especially in the case of the absence of chronic diseases Skin Care which can be ascertained conduct analysis and testing and ensure the safety of the woman or girl organically. Show these symptoms occur as a result of tearing in the fine capillaries under the skin. The treatment of this case depends primarily on the mental state and the need to cry from stress and anxiety and nervousness, as is recommended to take vitamin "c", which greatly improves the situation.

The use of skin-lightening creams to restore color from mosquito bites

Get upset a lot of mosquito bites that cause the female partner, by planting hose her mouth inside the human skin, which leads to the transfer of many serious diseases, such as malaria, "Malaria" West Nile virus "West Nile Virus", dengue fever or dengue "Dengue Fever", In addition to leaving traces on the skin dark. And ask the reader, http://www.skincaremoz.com/
I suffer from the emergence of some black spots on my body; the result speaks for mosquito bites, leading to the presence of these pills were injured, and after healing turns to black. How can I make net, and go back to what you get. Answer, consultant dermatologist genital and head of the National Research Center earlier, saying, can restore the color of the skin natural through the use of whitening creams for the skin, it is not cause for alarm, but then go back and consult a specialist doctor, until the diagnosis of the situation and know what type of proper treatment, Skin Care In addition to preventing the emergence of any other side effects and others. Advised "of the beholder" products using insect repellents properly, as they constitute a safety for children and adults alike, with the need to distinguish between products insect repellents and pesticides

What are the medicinal uses of glutathione for skin

Glutathione is one of the months of antioxidants and this is used mainly for cancer patients - as a kind of support the body and strengthen the immune helping the oxidation of food, also uses glutathione in the treatment of polio disease (Parkinson's disease) and cancer of the liver, breast, and low blood pressure. Skin whitening is one of the symptoms offending of glutathione, and the beginning of the idea of using it in Brightening was at note that cancer patients and users of these capsules have flogged more freshness and lighter in color than ever before, they began using the antioxidants.http://www.skincaremoz.com/fingernail-psoriasis/
 in order to get white leather, and it is necessary to obtain the quantities large glutathione on a daily basis until the symptoms appear in the form of offending lighten the skin. So all the capsules or injections in the market different no benefit from ingested, and can not in any way to achieve skin whitening is required, and this is what we have observed with cases that had to take these capsules or injections for a long time, and paid the large sums of money, and did not find any benefit them after The warm-hearted behind lied cosmetic companies, or from trading these medicines, and for this we find that the capsules glutathione sold in the whole world in the shops under the name of dietary supplements, and their prices are almost too low for those here, and people turn is to be taken only in doses moderate to utilize them as a dietary supplement Like any type of vitamins. Glutathione is considered dietary supplements from natural materials, a very good antioxidant. And glutathione is a natural material,   so it is only monitored by the Food Authority and is not requiring FDA approval by the circulation, and therefore is a security product and is used by doctors of nutrition and internal medicine, liver, brain and nerves, and the word "security" here meaning, used in diseases allotted only. Skin Care There is still no research on the use of needles and injection of glutathione in skin whitening frequently, and there are no reports of side effects that could be caused by eating needles and syringes for long periods of time and in large doses. Due to the lack of research in this regard are many, and the lack of clarity that, so here the risk of using needle and injection of glutathione in the non-purpose, which is used for, especially in large quantities may cause problems no one knows for prolonged periods.